Duties & Responsibilities of the Assessor
The assessor is responsible for valuing all real and personal property located in the county using proper appraisal methods and techniques along with the highest standards of professionalism to assure statewide equalization in the valuation of real and personal property. The assessor determines the equitable value of property to ensure that each taxpayer pays only his or her fair share of taxes and provides information to the public so they might acquire a better understanding of the appraisal and assessment process.
The assessor is required to send out a notice of valuation each year to property owners. This notice will reflect a value on property for ad valorem purposes.
Ken Hood

Assessor Ken Hood
Otero County Courthouse
13 W 3rd St., Room 211
La Junta, CO 81050
Phone: (719) 383-3010
Fax: (719) 383-3019
First Elected: November 2002
Current Term Expires: January 2027
The Mapper checks all deeds to match to land ownership and the accuracy of the tract descriptions, maps ownership, parcel splits, and other changes. The conversion of paper maps to digital form is an ongoing project to someday make them available online.
Digital files are not yet ready to present to the public.
Visit the Mapper/GIS page for more information.
Assessor's Office Staff
- Sarah Courtney - Administrative Specialist - 719-383-3010 - scourtney@oterogov.org
- Les Fellows - Commercial, Vacant Land, Personal Property Appraiser - 719-383-3015 - lfellows@oterogov.org
- Stephen Lange - Mapper/GIS - 719-383-3013 - slange@oterogov.org
- Austin Bryan - Residential Appraiser - 719-383-3017 - abryan@oterogov.org
Property Information, Values, & Record Search
Choose a new page below where you can search for a property by the:
- 12-character Parcel ID Number
- 6-character Schedule Number
- By name - Last name, two spaces, first name
- By parcel address