County Offices
- Adult Services - 719-383-3166
- Assessor - 719-383-3010
- Birth/Death records - 719-383-3044
- Building Inspector - 719-383-3134
- Child Welfare/LEAP/DHS Admin - 719-383-3168
- Coroner - 719-980-5954
- County Commissioners' Office - 719-383-3000
- CSU Extension Office - 719-254-7608
- La Junta Health Department - 719-383-3040
- Landfill - 719-652-0088
- Land Use/Zoning/Permits - 719-383-3035
- Road and Bridge - 719-383-3092
- Rocky Ford Health Department - 719-254-5300
- Sheriff (Emergency) - 911
- Sheriff (Non-emergency) - 719-383-5941
- Sheriff Dispatch Service - 719-254-3344
- Social Services/Public Assistance - 719-383-3100
- Taxes/Treasurer - 719-383-3030
- Vehicle Tags and Plates (Clerk & Recorder's) - 719-383-3020
- Veterans Service Officer - 719-383-3148
- Women, Infants, & Children Office - 719-383-3052
- Combined Court Clerk - 719-384-4951
- County Attorney - 719-383-0867
- County Court/Self-Help - 719-384-4721
- District Attorney - 719-384-8786
- Parole Office - 719-383-0404
- Probation - 719-384-5973
- Public Defender - 719-384-5448
- Public Service - 719-383-7155
Other Services
- Bent County Jail - 719-456-1363
- Child Abuse and Neglect - 1-844-264-5437
- Colorado Crisis and Support Line - 1-877-518-5608
- Colorado Poison Control - 1-800-222-1222
- Colorado Rural Legal Service - 719-384-5438
- Colorado Workforce Center - 719-383-3191
- Department of Motor Vehicles - 719-383-2480
- Med Ride Medicaid Transportation - 719-545-3333