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Land Use Planning Commission

Board Members

  • Jerry Bay - Cheraw
  • Jay Smith - Fowler
  • Matt McIntyre - Swink
  • Dave Hill - La Junta
  • J.R. Thompson - Rocky Ford
  • Nathan Shultz - Otero County Attorney

Time & Location

The Otero County Planning Commission meets every third Monday of the month. 

When a holiday falls on a Monday the meeting will be held that Tuesday.

The meeting will begin at 6 pm at the following location:

Otero County Rocky Ford Annex/Public Works Department

411 N 10th St.
Rocky Ford, CO 81067

(719) 383-3035


All applications are due by 4:00 pm on the 23rd of the month to be included on the next month's agenda.

Applications will be reviewed by the Land Use Department to be authorized as complete.

Return completed applications to:

Otero County Public Works Department

411 N 10th St.
Rocky Ford, CO 81067