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Food Assistance Program

The Food Assistance Program provides a basic level of nutritional well-being for eligible low-income families and individuals. 

To find out if you are eligible, please visit the Colorado PEAK website.

To start and application process and establish your application date for the Food Assistance Program, you must fill out the application and return it to a local food assistance office. 

There are several ways to get an application form:

  • Pick one up at the local Human Services office (Otero County Courthouse, Human Services, Rm 102 13 W 3rd St, La Junta CO 81050)
  • Call the local office and ask for it to be mailed to you (719) 383-3166
  • Apply online at the Colorado PEAK website.

Fill out the application as completely as you can. Be sure that your name, address, and social security number are listed and that you have signed the application. Let us know if you need help completing the application and a worker will assist you.

When you are ready to turn in your application, you will need to make an appointment for an interview with a Food Assistance Technician. Your interviewer may be in person at the office or by phone, depending on your situation.

Once your interview is completed and all verification is received, your worker will process your application.

You will receive a notice in the mail about your eligibility. 

If you are not eligible for food benefits and you feel you have been denied in error, you may request a local County Conference or a State Fair Hearing.

Most questions about your application can be answered by contacting the eligibility worker or the supervisor for an explanation.

Information regarding your rights is included in the notice mailed to you.