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About the Sheriff's Department

Otero County Sheriff's Office emblem

Otero County Sheriff's Office is located in the Town of La Junta, in Otero County. Sheriff Shawn Mobley oversees the day-to-day operations of the jail, patrol, transports, court security, civil process, and administrative process including, but not limited to, Conceal Carry Permits, Record Requests, and the Otero County Volunteer Posse.

Mission Statement

The Otero County Sheriff's Office will endeavor every day to strengthen existing bonds with our communities and we will continue to create new partnerships with our citizens, businesses, and schools. We have a commitment to increased efficiency and effectiveness through professional development and maintaining a high level of service to keep our communities safe.

Our Values

We value human life...

We expect employees to perform their jobs in a manner that emphasizes the protection of life and minimizes the risk of unnecessary injury or death to any person.

We value the principles of the constitutions of the United States of Colorado...We value the system of laws that govern us...

We respect the dignity and the rights of the individual. We are governed by a set of laws, not men; as such, we value the system of laws of the United States, the State of Colorado, and the County of Otero. We recognize that our role as a member of the Executive Branch of government is to uphold the Constitution and laws.

We value the communities we serve...

We believe that the purpose of our organizational existence is to serve our communities. We must be open and responsive to challenging needs and recognize and respect diversity. We believe it is our responsibility to keep the peace not only by enforcing the law but also by working with communities to reduce problems by identifying and addressing causes. We believe that community and problem-oriented policing is an ongoing process and not a program with a beginning and end.

We value the person...

We value the diversity of the individual which stems from differences in race, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, or socio-economic status. We will treat all individuals with courtesy, respect, and dignity.

We value organizational excellence...

We value a working environment in which individuals working as a team strive for superior professional performance focused on achieving the organizational mission and goals.

We value the strength of character in our employees...

We value open and honest communicators who display high moral and ethical conduct, integrity, adaptability, courage, and sound judgment. We believe each employee must be a leader in the department and community. We expect employees to be result-oriented problem solvers who are responsible and accountable.

Leadership Honor Courage

Sheriff Shawn M. Mobley