Important Notice
Otero County Clerk & Recorder's office does not process any new title work, temporary tags, or marriage licenses after 4:30 P.M.
Please contact the Clerk's Office with comments at (719) 383-3020 or email
Clerk & Recorder Lyn Scott
Otero County Courthouse
13 W. 3rd Street, Room 210
La Junta CO 81050
Office: (719) 383-3020
Cell: (719) 980-2332
Fax: (719) 383-3026
First Elected: November 2018
Current Term Expires: January 2027

Duties & Responsibilities of the Clerk & Recorder
- By state constitution, the Clerk & Recorder is required to be the recorder of deeds that maintains all real property records.
- The Clerk & Recorder serves as the clerk to the Board of County Commissioners.
- By law, the Clerk & Recorder is responsible for carrying out certain state functions.
- The Clerk is the agent of the state Department of Revenue and, among other duties, is charged with the responsibility of administering state laws relating to motor vehicles, certification of automobile titles, and motor vehicle registration.
- The Clerk is also responsible for administering all primary, general, coordinated, and special elections held in the county, and for the registration of voters, the publication of notice of elections, the appointment of election judges, and printing and distribution of ballots.
- The Clerk and Recorder also issues marriage licenses, maintains records and books for the board of commissioners, and collects a multitude of license fees.
Clerk & Recorder Office Staff
- Shannon Casillas - Chief Deputy/Motor Vehicle Technician Clerk
- Holly Huerta-Hudak - Election Technician Clerk
- Veronica Mata - Title Technician Clerk
- Dara Hallman - Recording Technician Clerk
- Ashley Lopez - General Technician Clerk