For accessibility assistance with any information, links, or documents on this website, please call the Commissioners' Office at (719) 383-3000.



The Clerk and Recorder's Office provides eRecording and monthly subscriptions for accessing real estate records, images, and prints. Historical images are available from as early as 1965. For further details, please reach out to our office at 719-383-3020.

Otero County is actively digitizing our oldest records, which will be accessible online soon.

Any person wishing to get married may obtain a marriage license through the Clerk and Recorder's office. The fee is $30 and the license must be used within 30 days of issue. Identification is required.

The marriage license you purchase may be used anywhere in the State of Colorado but will be recorded in the County in which you purchased it.

At least one of the parties being married must be present to purchase the license and will have to have an affidavit signed and notarized from the party that is not present. Download the absentee affidavit for a marriage license form.

To search Colorado's Vital Statistics such as Marriages, Births, Deaths, and Genealogy, go to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment's website.

As a result of the passing of SB16-115, Colorado recording fees will be calculated as follows:

  • $13 for the first page and $5 for each additional page for all recorded documents
  • The new recording fee went into effect on January 1, 2017.

If you have questions, please contact Colorado County Clerk’s Association at or contact your local county recording office.

Otero County has been busy digitizing our old real estate recordings. From Grantor/Grantee indexes to the old instrument books, we have all the records including indexes from 1993 forward on the iCounty website. Access is available for $25; daily or monthly subscriptions are also available. For more information please call the Otero County Clerk's office at (719) 383-3020.

eRecording, meaning that you can record documents digitally, is also available. There are several eRecording Vendors available to help. One choice is CSC eRecording Solutions. The company can be contacted by phone at (866) 652-0111 or by email at We will happily add more links for eRecording Vendors as we receive their information.

Designated Beneficiary Agreements

Effective July 1, 2009: HB1260 A person named as a designated beneficiary in a Designated Beneficiary Agreement shall be entitled to exercise the rights and protections specified in the agreement under having been so named.

Beneficiary Agreement entitles the right to acquire, hold title to, own jointly, or transfer real property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship or as tenants in common;

The right to be designated as a beneficiary, payee, or owner as a trustee named in a trust for non-probate transfer on death;

To be designated as a beneficiary and recognized as a dependent on insurance, pensions, retirement funds, medical power of attorney, etc.

Must be recorded at a local County Clerk's office in the County of residence of at least one of the parties to the agreement.