Services Provided
- Road Construction, Maintenance, and Repair
- County Road Drainage
- Herbicide Treatment
- Right-of-Way Mowing
- Culvert/Pipe Installation
- Installation, Maintenance, and Repair of Street Signs & Barricades
- Snow removal
- Otero County roads consist of 207.1 miles of asphalt surfaced, 416.64 miles that are gravel surfaced, and 33.18 dirt roads for a total of 656.92 miles of roads.
- The Road and Bridge section consists of 3 geographical maintenance districts and 1 Fleet Maintenance shop.
- Road and Bridge Department operation hours are 6:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Thursday year-round.
- If we can provide assistance with any of the services we have listed on this page, or provide any other help, do not hesitate to contact our office at 719-383-3092.
The Road and Bridge Department has 20 full-time personnel, which include:
- Public Works Director
- District 1, 2, and 3 Foreman
- District 1, 2, and 3 Asset Foreman
- Road and Bridge Supervisor
- Crusher Supervisor
- 2 Maintenance Technicians
- 8 Equipment Operators
Potholes occur when water permeates the pavement and softens the soil beneath it, creating a depression in the surface of the street. Because freeze/thaw cycles accelerate the process, many potholes surface during the winter and spring months. Please call (719) 383-3092 to report a pothole.
Several factors determine how often a gravel road is graded. The volume of traffic, speed of traffic, and weather conditions heavily affect the condition of a road. Washboards and potholes typically occur on curves and near stop signs. Reduction of speeds can help reduce the washboards in those areas. The District Foreman responsible for that roadway will periodically check the condition of your roadway and will schedule the appropriate maintenance. For specific questions on your gravel road, please call (719) 383-3092.
A Chip and Seal is a surface application used to maintain, protect, and prolong the life of an existing street or road. It will improve the skid resistance to allow for a safer driving surface, improve the overall appearance, provide a weatherproof membrane to repel moisture from damaging the base, and extend the useful life of the existing pavement.
- Responsible for settling for 12 months after work is completed.
- Responsible for all signage at the work site.
- Responsible for patching asphalt back.
For a permit, please call 719-383-3035.
Otero County will occasionally list surplus vehicles, heavy equipment, Utility equipment, and other miscellaneous items for sale via online auctions.
Otero County Policy
Resolution #2008-006 Culverts, Road Access, Drainage, and Cattle Guards will open in another window for viewing.
Road & Bridge Locations
District 1 La Junta Shop
District 1 - La Junta Shop
District 2 Swink Shop (Main Shop)
District 2 - Swink Shop (Main Shop)
From County Road 26 West to Road 16
Foreman: Steve Walker
111 North Swink Dr
P.O. Box 341
Swink, CO 81077
Phone: 719-383-3092
Fax: 719-383-3093
Cell/Emergency: 719-469-2972
District 3 Fowler Shop
District 3 - Fowler Shop
Fleet Maintenance
Fleet Maintenance
Road & Bridge Coordinator/Supervisor: Darren Garcia
111 North Swink Dr
P.O. Box 341
Swink, CO 81077
Phone: 719-383-3092
Fax: 719-383-3093
Cell/Emergency: 719-468-8890