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About the Historic Preservation Advisory Board

Established in 2004...

The Otero County Historic Preservation Advisory Board (OCHPAB) was established by the Board of County Commissioners in 2004 (Resolution 2004-014). In 2010 the BOCC amended the 2004 Resolution and applied to History Colorado to become a Certified Local Government (Resolution 2010-006).

The OCHPAB assists with preservation efforts and activities in all unincorporated areas of Otero County and in the five towns and cities that have signed Intergovernmental agreements (IGA) with the Board of County Commissioners allowing the Preservation Board to advise and assist with preservation questions and activities. Those communities are Cheraw, Fowler, Manzanola, Rocky Ford, and Swink.

The County Commissioners have tasked the Preservation Board with identifying, documenting, and preserving historic resources in Otero County. This includes assisting residents and organizations with nominating historic resources to the Otero County Register of Historic Resources, the Colorado State Register of Historic Resources, and the National Register. The Preservation Board also provides information concerning preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, and reuse of historic resources; and assists with preservation projects, including technical assistance and suggestions of possible funding sources.

The Preservation Board also educates the public about the County’s history and resources and advises the BOCC on preservation issues related to land use requests and Section 106 consultations resulting from federal undertakings or projects using federal funds. 


County Courthouse

Commissioners Office, Rm 212

13 West 3rd St, La Junta, CO 81050



The Preservation Board meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm at the Otero County Courthouse, Room 107.