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Historic Preservation Organizations

Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI)

Colorado Preservation, Inc. is Colorado’s only statewide non-profit devoted to preserving Colorado’s historic resources. The organization has a staff of professionals who work with individuals and groups around the state. CPI developed and presents the Saving Places Conference, the largest state preservation conference in the nation, manages the Colorado Most Endangered Places Program, and presents the Dana Crawford Awards program for historic preservation. CPI’s Board of Directors are elected and the by-laws require that board members represent all regions of Colorado and that two board meetings per year be held outside of the Denver metro area.

CPI staff has worked with communities and counties throughout the state to develop and complete survey projects that document historic resources and provide information that assists with local decision-making. CPI surveys include the New Deal resources, all historic schools in the state of Colorado, rural resources in Baca County, and rural resources in southern Otero, eastern Las Animas, and Huerfano counties. Each year CPI develops and offers weekend workshops to train and assist volunteers in the process of restoring historic sites.

CPI also manages preservation projects and assists with grant application and management. Among recent and ongoing projects are the saving and first phase restoration of the historic Hangar 61 in Denver, which was then sold and currently is used as a church; the Murdock Building in Eads; the Como Depot, management of the walking trails and interpretive signage at Bent’s Fort; the Adobe Stables workshops held at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds, and numerous other projects.

History Colorado (HC)

(Formerly Colorado Historical Society) History Colorado is a state entity with satellite museums around the state along with the Colorado History Center in Denver with its associated research departments. HC is the umbrella for all of the state programs related to history and preservation.  

State Historic Preservation Office/State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)

The term SHPO is used in two ways. It refers to the office as an entity, as well as to the person designated by the State to be the head of all state-related activities associated with history and historic preservation. The SHPO also serves as the Executive Director of History Colorado. The current Executive Director/SHPO is Dawn DiPrince. In Colorado, two people are designated as Deputy SHPOs.  

State Historical Fund (SHF): SHF is part of History Colorado. When Colorado voters approved limited-stakes gaming, they also committed a percentage of the gaming taxes to the SHF. SHF offers grants for historic preservation, archaeological work, survey work, and interpretation and educational projects associated with Colorado’s history. SHF also partners with the Colorado Department of Agriculture for the Centennial Farm and Ranch Program. 

Certified Local Government Program (CLG)

The Certified Local Government Program is a preservation partnership between local, state, and national governments focused on promoting historic preservation at the grassroots level. The program is jointly administered by the National Park Service (NPS) and SHPO. Cities or county governments are recognized as CLG through an application process. CLGs then become an active partner in the Federal Historic Preservation Program and the opportunities it provides. CLGs have access to additional technical support and training, as well as federal funds earmarked by the State Historical Fund for no-match grants. Otero County is a Certified Local Government. The Preservation Board (CLG) works in the unincorporated areas of the County; and through inter-governmental agreements between the Board of County Commissioners and the city governments, we can work with individuals and the communities of Fowler, Manzanola, Rocky Ford, Swink, and Cheraw.

Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP)

This office is part of History Colorado and SHPO. Staff in this office is tasked with many responsibilities including overseeing professional archaeologists in the state, maintaining and protecting the archaeological and historic database and other information, overseeing all historic preservation restorations and other projects, monitoring survey projects, enforcing the National Historic Preservation Act, reviewing and commenting on all Section 106 projects, promoting the CLG programs within the state, training CLG staff and volunteers, working with historic preservation boards throughout the state, reviewing nominations to the State and National Registers of Historic Places, monitoring and protecting listed sites throughout the state, and many other programs. The State Archaeologist, Dr. Holly Horton, works out of this office. She also serves as one of the two Deputy SHPOs. 

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP)

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) is a national non-profit dedicated to preserving America’s historic resources. It is a counterpart to other internationally known and respected organizations such as Great Britain’s National Trust and the Australian National Trust.

NTHP is based in Washington D.C. with regional offices throughout the United States. The Mountain-Plains office is located in Denver. NTHP advocates and lobbies in Washington, funds grant programs for preservation projects, conducts research projects on developing preservation products and techniques, serves as an advocate for preservationists and historic resources around the country, provides legal information and assistance related to historic preservation, and presents the national historic preservation conference each year. 

Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (ACHP)

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is the federal entity created to guide national policy on historic preservation issues, develop and conduct Section 106 training, oversee and support the SHPO in each state, and review and comment on potential impacts to historic resources from projects undertaken or funded by federal agencies.  

Section CFR Part 800 of the National Historic Preservation Act states “The Council issues regulations to implement section 106, provides guidance and advice on the application of the procedures in this part, and generally oversees the operation of the section 106 process. The Council also consults with and comments to agency officials on individual undertakings and programs that affect historic properties.”

ACHP has a large staff of preservation professionals including historians, architectural historians, archaeologists, attorneys, and others. The Council itself is made up of professional archaeologists, preservationists, historians, and architects who are presidential appointees, a representative of the National Association of SHPOs, and representatives from federal agencies.

Federal agencies are required by law to notify and allow the ACHP to comment on Section 106 undertakings, the development of programmatic agreements, the development of alternative processes, and other plans.