Duties & Responsibilities of the Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners serves as both the administrative and policy-making body for Otero County. While, generally, boards have only those powers specifically conferred by the state General Assembly, courts have held that they have such implied powers as may be necessary to carry out their specified powers. Constitutionally, the board also sits as the county board of equalization. The board also fills all vacancies in county offices other than those for County Commissioner and Public Trustee. All powers of the County, as a legal entity, are exercised by the Board of County Commissioners and not by its members.
Public hearings for the Board of County Commissioners are held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of every month at 1:30 p.m. in the Bauserman Conference Room 107 in the Otero County Courthouse. Work sessions are held every Monday upon adjournment of the public hearing in Commissioners' Board Room 212.
All public hearings, work sessions, and commissioner meetings are open to the public unless the Board of County Commissioners is in executive sessions.
Otero County Commissioners
District 1: Rob Oquist
First Elected: November 2020
Current Term Expires: January 2029
Otero County Courthouse
13 W 3rd St., Room 212
La Junta, CO 81050
Phone: (719) 383-3000
Fax: (719) 383-3090
Cell: (719) 468-8044
Email: roquist@oterogov.org
District 2: Tim Knabenshue
First Elected: November 2022
Current Term Expires: January 2027
Otero County Courthouse
13 W 3rd St., Room 212
La Junta CO 81050
Phone: (719) 383-3000
Fax: (719) 383-3090
Cell: (719) 241-4331
Email: tknabenshue@oterogov.org
District 3: Jim Baldwin
First Elected: November 2012
Current Term Expires: January 2029
Otero County Courthouse
13 W 3rd St., Room 212
La Junta CO 81050
Phone: (719) 383-3000
Fax: (719) 383-3090
Cell: (719) 468-1629
Email: jbaldwin@oterogov.org
Administrative Staff
Commissioner's Office Phone Number: (719) 383-3000
- Amy White-Tanabe - County Administrator - atanabe@oterogov.org
- Tina Mascarenas - Finance Officer - tmascarenas@oterogov.org
- Nichole Rallis - Human Resources/Payroll - nrallis@oterogov.org
- Jennifer Rife - Administrative Support - jrife@oterogov.org