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Adult Services


Otero County DHS - Adult Services
13 W 3rd Street, Room 110
La Junta, CO  81050
Phone: (719) 383-3166
Toll Free: 1-800-438-3752 (for Baca, Kiowa, and Prowers Counties)
Fax: (719) 383-4607


  • Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC)
  • Adult Protective Services (APS)
  • Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
  • Case Management Agency (CMA)
  • Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
  • Home Care Allowance (HCA) Program
  • Veteran Directed Care

Adult Protective Services provides services to seniors and at-risk adults. If you feel someone is being physically or mentally abused, exploited, or neglected by themselves or someone else, contact Adult Protective Services at (719) 383-3166.

After-hours call toll-free: 1-877-767-8914

Case Management Agency (CMA) provides in-home services to nursing home-level care persons in Otero and Crowley counties. Individuals must meet financial and functional requirements. To apply call 719-383-3166.

Home Care Allowance (HCA): HCA is a program that pays someone to come into your home to provide services such as bathing, housekeeping, etc.

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS): HCBS is a program that provides skilled nursing services through a home health agency.

Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS): lets you direct and manage the attendants who provide your personal care, homemaker, and health maintenance services, rather than working through an agency. Through CDASS, you are empowered to hire, train, and manage attendants of your choice to best fit your unique needs or you may delegate these responsibilities to an authorized representative.

Governing Body Meeting Information: All links will open in a new window.

The date, time, location, and Zoom link information for the Public Hearing Meetings can be found in Upcoming Events on the Home page of the county website.

The Public Hearing Packets include the agenda, minutes, monthly financial statements, employee salary data, and the annual auditor presentation.

Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee advises the Case Management
Agency (CMA) on topics and serves as an independent entity ensuring
the protection of the rights of individuals receiving services.

The CMA is recruiting members for quarterly meetings with lived experience and those eligible for or receiving services from the CMA.

The Community Advisory Committee advises the Case Management Agency (CMA) on topics and serves as an independent entity ensuring the protection of the rights of individuals receiving services.

Offer your recommendations on the client's perspectives, service delivery, service quality, member satisfaction, and related programmatic opportunities aimed at overcoming barriers at the local or regional level and overall CMA operations, service delivery policies, resource development, and strategies to address complaints and grievances.

If interested in becoming a member of the committee, complete the Declaration of Intent Form and email it to or bring it to 13 W 3rd St., Room 110.

The Lower Arkansas Valley Area Agency on Aging: (LAVAAA) provides services to individuals aged 60 and older in Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, and Prowers counties.

Legal Services: The LAVAAA contracts with an attorney to provide legal services such as wills, powers of attorney, and deeds. Call 719-383-3166 to make an appointment.

Meals on Wheels: In-home meals are provided to homebound individuals through Sage Services.  Congregate meal sites are also available in some communities. Contact Sage at 719-254-7547, or Adult Services at 719-383-3166 for more information.

Visually Impaired/Low Vision Assistance: LAVAAA can provide magnifiers, talking items (watches, scales, etc.), and other items helpful to those whose vision cannot be corrected to a normal level with regular glasses or contacts. Call 719-383-3166 for more information.

For Medicare Counseling:

Call 1-800-MEDICARE or visit

Regional Ombudsman Information: Ombudsman are trained to work with and advocate for residents living in long-term care facilities. Please view the list of services, contact information, and resources to file a complaint in another window - Region 6 Ombudsman Information - English and Spanish.

Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) is here to help with non-emergency medical transportation and minimal home modifications including water heaters, stoves, ranges, ovens, refrigerators, swamp coolers, window air conditioner units, and dental help. Please go to the application section to apply today. For additional questions, contact Adult Services Manager and Regional Director, Kenneth Shearer at 719-383-4844.

Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC) is a resource center that is available to adults sixty (60) years and older as well as adults eighteen (18) years or older with a disability.  ADRC has an open-door approach to accessing long-term care services and community resources.  This is accomplished by strong collaboration with community partners and by accepting assistance from multiple resources.  ADRC helps people make decisions about the services that can best fit their needs.

ADRC does not provide financial support.  It does provide information for:

  • Options Counseling
  • Referrals
  • General information about resources for the disabled and aging.

ADRC links to assistance programs such as:

  • Personal Care
  • Homemaker services
  • Home Modification

ADRC can assist with applications such as:

  • Social Security
  • Medicaid
  • Food Stamps
  • L.E.A.P.
  • Medicare - Part D
  • Housing

ADRC offers Options Counseling, which provides a team approach to help clients, family members, caregivers, and significant others make the best choices they can about current and future care.

The overall goal of ADRC is to streamline access to long-term care information and services.  This does not mean just nursing homes.  ADRC looks at long-term care as the many services that fall between living independently and needing a nursing home.

Contact your local ADRC Coordinator at (719) 383-3166.